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Dec 21, 2022


 XIMA Chronicall is a call reporting and analytics software that provides detailed insights into an organization's communication data. It is primarily used by call centers, customer service departments, and other organizations that rely heavily on phone communication to track and analyze their call volume, call duration, and other metrics.


One of the key features of XIMA Chronicall is its ability to generate detailed reports on various aspects of an organization's call data. These reports can be customized to meet the specific needs of the organization and can be scheduled to run automatically on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

One type of report that is commonly used in call centers is the call volume report, which shows the total number of calls that were made over a specified period of time. This report can help organizations understand the demand for their services and identify trends in call volume over time.

Another important report is the call duration report, which shows the length of time that each call lasted. This report can be used to identify calls that are taking longer than expected, which may be an indication of a problem with the call process or a customer issue that needs to be addressed.

In addition to call volume and duration, XIMA Chronicall also provides reports on other important metrics such as average hold time, abandoned call rate, and customer satisfaction. These reports can help organizations identify areas for improvement in their call process and ensure that they are providing the best possible service to their customers.

Overall, XIMA Chronicall is a powerful tool for organizations that rely on phone communication to track and analyze their call data. Its detailed reports provide valuable insights that can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their call processes.

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