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Dec 8, 2022


1) Criminological theories aim to explain the causes of criminal behavior and help to guide the development of effective crime prevention and control strategies. Two well-known theories are the classical theory, developed by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham, and the strain theory, developed by Robert Merton.

Classical theory is based on the idea that individuals are rational beings who make choices based on a cost-benefit analysis. According to this theory, crime occurs when the potential benefits of engaging in criminal behavior outweigh the potential costs, such as the risk of punishment. Classical theorists argue that the best way to deter crime is to make sure that the costs of criminal behavior are sufficiently high. This can be achieved through the use of punishment, such as imprisonment or fines, which serves as a deterrent to potential offenders.

Strain theory, on the other hand, focuses on the social and economic factors that can lead to criminal behavior. According to this theory, crime is a result of the strain or pressure that individuals experience as a result of their inability to achieve the goals that are valued by society. This can happen when individuals face barriers to achieving these goals through legitimate means, such as a lack of education or job opportunities. In response to this strain, some individuals may turn to criminal behavior as a way to achieve their goals.

One key difference between these two theories is their focus. Classical theory focuses on the individual, viewing criminal behavior as a rational choice made by individuals based on the costs and benefits of their actions. In contrast, strain theory focuses on the role of society and the broader social and economic conditions that can lead to criminal behavior.

Another important difference is their approach to crime prevention and control. Classical theory emphasizes the use of punishment to deter potential offenders, while strain theory focuses on addressing the underlying social and economic factors that can lead to crime.

Overall, while both classical and strain theory offer valuable insights into the causes of criminal behavior, they differ in their focus and approach to crime prevention and control. Understanding these differences can help to inform the development of effective strategies for reducing crime and promoting public safety.


2) Criminological theories are frameworks used to understand and explain the causes of crime and criminal behavior. These theories seek to understand the motivations, thoughts, and actions of criminals, as well as the social and environmental factors that contribute to crime.

Two prominent criminological theories are the classical theory and the biological theory. The classical theory, also known as the rational choice theory, is based on the idea that individuals are rational actors who make calculated decisions about whether to commit a crime based on the potential benefits and costs. This theory emphasizes the role of free will and personal responsibility in criminal behavior.

In contrast, the biological theory focuses on the role of genetics and biology in criminal behavior. This theory suggests that individuals may be predisposed to criminal behavior due to certain biological factors, such as brain structure or chemical imbalances. This theory places less emphasis on personal responsibility and free will, and instead suggests that certain individuals may be more likely to commit crimes due to factors beyond their control.

One key difference between these two theories is their emphasis on personal responsibility. The classical theory emphasizes the role of individual choice and free will in criminal behavior, whereas the biological theory suggests that certain individuals may be more likely to commit crimes due to factors beyond their control.

Another key difference is the focus of each theory. The classical theory focuses on the decision-making process and the potential benefits and costs of committing a crime, whereas the biological theory focuses on the role of genetics and biology in criminal behavior.

Overall, both the classical and biological theories provide valuable insights into the causes of crime and criminal behavior. However, the classical theory emphasizes the role of personal responsibility and free will, whereas the biological theory suggests that certain individuals may be predisposed to criminal behavior due to biological factors.

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